Ju Sports Sambo vol 1, DVD 45 online | Sport
Sport / Ju Sports / Ju Sports Sambo vol 1, DVD 45 online
Produktcode: Sambo vol 1, DVD 45
Markieren: Ju Sports
Produkttyp: Sport
Kategorie: Sportarten, Sambo

Oleg Taktarov is one of the most prestigious fighters of his generation. His outstanding career led him to be one of the top free fighters. Winner of the famous Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), he introduces you to his favorite discipline : the Sambo, with tehniques once again more effective, as well as daring fight principles within the reach of anyone.

  • Oleg Taktarov
  • sambo
  • auch Deutsch als Sprache hinterlegt

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Ju Sports Sambo vol 1, DVD 45